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A very simple, secure and effective software for managing research project; excellent to track project and team performance in real-time!
M. A. Jafar Mazumder, PhD
Assistant Professor
King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals
Saudi Arabia -
MyManager™ is a great deal for keeping the project reports, tracking the progress, updates of inventories, smooth communication, and secured data sharing for professional research teams.
Nihad Adnan
Tokyo Institute of Technology
Japan -
The system increases transparency in lab and diminishes misunderstandings; some people are motivated with it but some people feel uncomfortable to be exposed to transparent environment.
Akira Kato, PhD
Assistant Professor
Tokyo Institute of Technology
Japan -
WOW! Never been imagined so helpful management system for our diverse projects! MyManager™ has changed my view for effective project management!
Ripon Nag
Managing Director
Dark Room Ltd
BD-Canada. -
The lab website looks really great. I really like that. I have also learned a lot from the website.
Anup Kundu, D.Eng
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Biology
Xavier University of Louisiana
What a wonderful, exciting homepage!! It is full of so many excellent ideas and great accomplishments, and it is beautifully presented.
Allan S. Hoffman, ScD
Emeritus Professor , Dept. of Bioengineering
University of Washington
What a wonderful web-page! I am pleased to see how it will be very helpful for public relations of relevant activities.
Shigehisa Hirose, PhD
Professor and Ex Dean , Dept. of Biological Sciences
Tokyo Institute of Technology
Japan -
Unbelievably attractive and effective presentation style for complex research activities! Never imagined for such a brilliant website that is tremendously helpful for our public relation activities.
Toshihiro Akaike, PhD
Professor Emeritus , Tokyo Institute of Technology, and
FAIS Biomaterial Research Center
Very useful tool for data management, resource management and assessment of individuals as well as overall assessment of projects.
Waliul Khan, MBBS,PhD,FRCPath
Associate Professor, Dept. of Pathology & Molecular Medicine
McMaster University